
Hip Pain – Gluteal Bursitis

We understand the hip pain or Gluteal Bursitis can cause along with other types of hip injuries can cause a great deal of discomfort and have a major impact on your ability to carry out day to day activities. Here at our Hip Clinic, we offer Diagnostic Ultrasound Scans or Digital X-Rays, including a range of treatments that can relieve your hip pain and get you back on your feet.

Whether you have suffered a sudden trauma or have noticed an increasing ache or stiffness, at our Hip Clinic we can help to ease a wide variety of hip pain and injuries. One cause of pain is a condition called  Gluteal Bursitis,  which is an inflammation of the fluid-filled sacs that sit between muscle and bone to prevent pressure on the joint.

Hip Pain.

Gluteal Bursitis, can develop as a result of overuse, repetitive stress or a direct blow perhaps after a fall, but it can usually be relieved within just a few weeks of the correct treatment.

K-laser therapy can be found under the above title shockwave and K-Laser Therapy.

Hip pain – Hamstring Hyper Tenicity

Hip Pain – Ilio Tibial Band Syndrome

Bursitis and injuries can cause a great deal of discomfort and have a major impact on your ability to carry out day to day activities. Here at Coventry Back Pain Clinic, we offer Diagnostic Ultrasound Scans or Digital X-Rays, including a range of treatments that can relieve your pain and get you back on your feet.

Whether you have suffered a sudden trauma or have noticed an increasing ache or stiffness, we can help to ease a wide variety of pain.

One more common causes of hip pain is a condition called  Trochanteric Bursitis, which is an inflammation of the fluid-filled sacs that sit between muscle and bone to prevent pressure on the joints.

Bursitis can develop as a result of overuse, repetitive stress or a direct blow perhaps after a fall, but it can usually be relieved within just a few weeks of the correct treatment.

Hip Pain.

Coventry  Hip Clinic offers a number of hip bursitis treatment plans that will be individually tailored to your circumstances and condition. During your first consultation, we will explore the possible causes of your hip discomfort and may suggest a routine of gentle exercises, anti-inflammatory medication or a recommended sleeping position.

Whatever your treatment plan entails you can rest assured that you will be in good hands with our fully qualified team of expert chiropractors and physiotherapists.

For the hip, Arthritic Pain or Trochanteric or Gluteal bursitis, call us on 02476 222 002 to learn more about the range of solutions we can offer you and to book a consultation at our Coventry Hip clinic.